
Selasa, 18 September 2012


assalammualaikum putra putry sekalian..
u all pa cher??
shat??hope u all sume shat lah okay..
btw..post today..i would like 2 share about someone mamat ni..
name dy nabil fikri..
dulu dy stu skul wif moy..
now dy smbg blaja..
dulu dy pnah mtk kpel ngn moy beberape kali..
n moy xpnah time...
mase uh moy f.3..

so..now moy da f.5..2taun dah brlalu..
guess what??!!dy dtg balik in my life..
i thought that dy da lpe kn moy..
rupe2 nye..xpnah skali pon  dy lupe kan moy..
moy pelik gile ngn dy..
xtau apa yg ada pade moy smpai dy seboleh2 nk moy jgak..
bukti??ini bukti nye..

see??siyes moy d x tau nak ckap ape lg kat dy..mcm2 perasaan dtg time nih..
terharu...benak..segala2 nye lah..n have one more..
wlau pon moy da rejek dy..but he still want me..
dy still tggu dayah..ello..u kne rejek ke sekian kali nye kot..
see??smpai moy da benak giler lah..benak giler..
dy msih degil..pndapat u all ape??

urgghh..sumpah x tau nak buat ape ngn dy nih..mzty u all tnye kn why moy x time dy je..
the problem is..mamat ni terlalu baik buat moy..trlalu baik..
dy pandai..baik..cute..complete..tp moy x ckup sempurna buat dy..
xtau nk ckp pe lg supye dy time org lain lm idop dy..!!!

Isnin, 3 September 2012


assalammualaikum..hey..u all pe kaba??
hope shat2 jerk okay..
moy??xbrape shat la my dear..
mybe demam RINDU kott..eceh2..org ngah mabuk cintan lah kate kann..
hahahaha...urgghh..this month n next month..
msing2 bz..moy bz 4 preparation SPM..
n dy plak bz crik duit..hehehe..

nk kawen kn kne atewr duit yunk manyak..ehehex..trgatal la pulox..
hurrmm..x sbr nye nk hang ngn dy lg..
rindu senyuman dy..gelak tawa dyer..
keanak2 kan dyer..
i really miss that memories..
biler lh dyer nuck cuty..
nk hang spnjg hari..
oh2..before moy lupe..moy blum tnjuk lg kn muke dyer??
ni dyer..dyer mgkin x sehansem boy2 u all..
but he's to hensem 4 me..=)